IAEA-TERC-2025-01 Application

Application for the IAEA-TERC-2025-01 world wide proficiency test
Producing Laboratory: TERC
Availability: In stock
Vendor: IAEA

Application for participation in the IAEA-TERC-2025-01 world wide proficiency test now open!

Description of Samples:

  • Sample 1: Water, 500ml, for the determination of anthropogenic and natural radionuclides using radioanalytical techniques.
  • Sample 2: Mineral water, 500 mL for the determination of low-level uranium and other natural radionuclides (ICP-MS, alpha-particle spectrometry, LSC) and gross alpha and gross beta activity.
  • Sample 3: Soil, 200g, for determination of natural and anthropogenic radionuclides using radioanalytical techniques.
  • Sample 4: Vegetation, 100g, for determination of natural radionuclides using radioanalytical techniques.
  • Sample 5: Simulated contaminated surface sample, including blank sample.

Tentative time schedule:

  • Calling for registration: 2025-02-17 - 2025-04-18
  • Sample distribution: 2025-04-01 - 2025-05-31
  • Reporting Deadline: 2025-10-01
  • Release of the on-line evaluation: 2025-10-15

Please order this product to submit your application for participation in the IAEA-TERC-2025-01 world wide proficiency test exercise and the shipment of the sample set. Please note that sample sets will be shipped once all registrations are received and processed. Please download the pdf-file provided after submitting the order as your confirmation of application.

Please submit this application order only once. Please note that you can also only add one unit for this item in the shopping cart. If plossible we would ask you not to mix with orders of reference materials.

How to apply:

  1. Login on the upper right corner link or create a nucleus acount to enable the shopping cart.
  2. Select the proficiency test exercise listed you would like to apply for.
  3. Read the details in the exercises product page carefully about the scope and the planned schedule.
  4. Add the set once to your shopping cart and place the order, with no cost involved.
  5. You will receive a confirmation e-mail with an order number and a link to the order details. Keep this e-mail for your reference.
  6. In the e-mail, click on the order details link to navigate to the order information. The item list will contain one item shown as proficiency test application and a download link below. Click the link to download a pdf file describing the exercise and confirming your application. The file can be downloaded once.
  7. Keep both the pdf file and the confirmation e-mail for your evidence. 
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